Menus could be organized from two different settings: either from the “Appearance – Menus” or via the “Customizer”.

Menus via “Customizer”

Step 1: Navigate to “Appearance - Customize” and click on “Menus”

Step 2: Click on “Menu Locations”

Step 3: Select your preferred menus for the Header, the Footer and the Top Line

Step 4: Click on “Save & Publish”


Menus via “Appearance – Menus”

How to setup a new menu:

Step 1: Navigate to “Appearance - Customize” and click on “Menus”

Step 2: Click on the “create a new menu” link to create a new menu. Enter the name then click on the “Create Menu” button.

Step 3: Select pages, posts or other links from the left sidebar and add them to the menu

Step 4: Manage your menus by using the drag and drop functionality

Step 5: Click on “Save”